Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!

Today was a great day.  I slept a little late (after Peyton woke me up at 6:30 wanting to know if he could watch "kid shows").  I tapped Russell reminding him it was Mother's Day so he could take care of that today :)  Then woke up to get ready for church to my kids and Russell running in tiptoeing with gifts, etc.  He had taken the kids to one of our only stores in town to let them pick out something for me this week.  They both got me a couple of outside decorations for the flower bed.  Each made me a card or drew me a picture and Russell wrote me his annual letter telling me he loved me and a few other things :)  It was so sweet. Then after a short nap we headed to a "new spot" to have a cook-out/picnic at the lake.  Russell had scouted out a shaded private area where the kids could ride their bikes and we could hang out by the water.  Pretty fun.  It was a lot of trouble for him to go to but it was so nice and very much appreciated!  Hope you all had a wonderful blessed Mother's Day.  I just want to take a minute to say thank you to all the women who have helped shape my life from my mom, my stepmom, my mother-in-law, my Granny, my Nannie, my Aunt Shirley, and countless  other women.  Each one of  these ladies has been brought into my life by God for a special purpose and has had a part in making me who I am.  I know I am a work in progress, but I do believe each person we encounter leaves a mark  on us in some way (good or bad) and we may never know the purpose God intended for them to have.  But rest assured it is part of His divine plan. I know that each mother/grandmother figure in my life has taught me something through her example, her wisdom, our long talks, much needed advice, or just plain listening with open ears, and caring with open arms and warm hearts.  So, thank you to all the amazing women in my life!  Take time to thank those in your life.  I know I CERTAINLY don't say it enough! 
This was a picture taken today at the lake before we got all hot and sweaty in the mugginess...

My sweet angels...adorable gifts from above!

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet! Cherish every moment. The years go so fast. Love you all!
