Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today is a wonderful babygirl turns NINE!

Can you believe it?  Jaedyn Hope Gauer was born to my husband and I at 12:06pm on May 21, 2002. What a day.  We had no idea how much that single minute would change our lives.  And that you could that instantly fall in love with anything or anyone.  She was perfect and gave us pure joy from the first moment.  It was a little rough start, as who can really prepare for these things.  There is no way to know or prepare for your first child.  You just have to experience it and to be able to do that with my husband, everything new and exciting, was such an awesome experience.  She has always kept us on our toes and still does but we are SO lucky to have her and to know the joy of a little girl, especially one so grounded and has an extraordinary faith and belief system.  She is amazing.  Definitely a challenge, but one  we are so looking forward to watching as she matures even more and becomes a young lady, who goes to college, and eventually a woman as a wife and mother.  Thank you God for giving us an answered prayer in Jaedyn and thank you for giving us the wisdom and your guidance to be her parents and mold her as you would have us to do.  Children are a blessing from the Lord, in every phase :)
We are having a family hot dog supper and party this evening, so we are looking forward to visiting and relaxing together!  May you all have a blessed day and hug your babies today.  Becoming a mommy has certainly been on my mind today - those first moments of having a dream come true in my first born.  There is NO other feeling like it!
Sharing a few pictures from Jaedyn's first year.  Don't have tons on digital.  I didn't get my first digital camera until she was a few months old and it was VERY pixelated so overlook the graininess and just stare at her darling, pudgy face! 

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to believe she is nine. The years have gone so fast. Our precious baby girl has grown into quite a "little miss". Thanks for the memories.
