Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy February!!

Bad ending to our bad weather day...sorry, long post...
so we got to stay home today since it was sleeting most of the early morning and the roads were treacherous.  SO cold and so blessed to have our back door fixed so there was no draft like usual.  Thanks to Mr. Terry and my wonderful husband!  Just in time for the coldest weather we have had since 1996 according to Channel 5.  So the kids played most of the day and we got most of our Valentine cards addressed and ready.  Nothing like being organized and getting things done before they are due - so unlike us lately!  Normal day just hanging out, not even too much fighting (Thank you, Jesus!).  Until... bathtime.  We were getting the kids in the bath early so we could play a game when I heard a crash in the shower and a blood-curdling scream!  Since it was Jaedyn I wasn't TOO alarmed as she tends to be our drama queen - but she came out of the bathroom SQUIRTING blood from her mouth and screaming incoherently!  I was speechless and frozen!  So once I got the blood all washed out of her mouth and semi-stopped I saw two HOLES in the inner bottom lip.  I assumed she just bit the bottom lip awfully hard when she fell with her front teeth.  It wasn't until Russell came to me about 15 minutes later, while I was holding her to calm her, to tell me that she had bitten THROUGH her bottom lip all the way!  When I lifted up her bottom lip on the outside there was a slit where it had been bitten through.  Okay - I am NOT cut out for that kind of stuff.  I prayed over her and she and I tried to feel better.  But when your baby hurts, my goodness, you just ache too.  I feel so bad for her and to top it off - TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY!! UGH!  So I am sure by tomorrow her lip will be about 4x its actual size.  Poor babygirl!  I am hurting again just typing this.  So please say a prayer for Jaedyn.  She is just miserable and as she says "even though I know God will heal this, I am still worried."  So much for a quiet snow day at our house. 
Hope yours was much better!  I took a picture and would post it if it would not mortify her.  She is even saying " I am NOT getting my picture taken tomorrow!"  (But it is class pictures and she knows her mama is a picture fanatic!)
God bless you all!
P.S. in place of the scary-fat-lip-babygirl's picture I am posting some valentine pictures I have been working on of the kid's for their cards.  (Grandparents please do not look!)

Loving my babies right about now...I am so blessed! 
Thank you, Lord!

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